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Moriarty Police Department

police-badgeOur mission, collectively as a department and as individual officers, is to provide an exemplary level of service and protection to the residents and businesses of the City of Moriarty and to all those who may visit, work in, or travel through our community. We will serve the community through professional conduct at all times and the enforcement of criminal and traffic laws without prejudice or bias, with respect for the rights of all people, to assure a safe and secure environment for all.

Animal Control

animal-badgeThe Animal Control department is a division of the City of Moriarty Police Department. The Animal Control department manages and protects the animal population in Moriarty, enforces animal ordinances, protects the health and welfare of the citizens of Moriarty, and strives to place as many unwanted animals as possible in suitable homes.

See our Animal Control ordinances here (PDF)

Moriarty Police Department
PO Box 130
Moriarty, NM 87035

Phone: 505-832-6060


Adan Urbina
Chief of Police

Phone: 505-832-6060

Animal Control

Chelsea Worley

Animal Control Officer 

Contact Torrance County Dispatch: (505) 384-2706


City of Moriarty
201 Broadway Street (S)
PO Box 130 Moriarty, NM 87035

Phone: 505-832-4406
Fax: 832-6919

City Calendar

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